Sunday, January 5, 2014

Do I Have A Child I Will Not Parent?

I have had hard decision on my hands here… There is this family that has been trying to adopt a baby for years, every time they are about to get a baby, something happens and they end up not able to get one. Well, I have been thinking about this for over two years now. I want to be able to give them that baby that no one else has been willing to give them. I think they deserve the baby, God is in their hearts and he is in mine and I know this is the right thing to do. So I have really most deeply thought this through and I was thinking about going ahead and talking to the family about what I have been thinking… All of a sudden this morning I got a phone call from my mother, and I could not believe what she was asking me to do! She asked me if I would have a baby for her! Now mind the fact that my mother is friends with the family I have already decided on having a baby for and she had the nerve to go and ask me to give her a baby instead and see if Ami will have a baby for the family friend. Ami is not going for it. I think maybe it would be nice if Ami has their baby and I have one for my mother. We would have each other for support and we would both be able to prepare ourselves to have these babies that are technically not ours and be able to remind each other that these babies would be a gift from God and was not ours to keep. I’m so confused on what to do now that my mom had to ask me to do that for her and Ami is on a dead set no on doing this with me. After Ami & I talked about this all day she came up with yet another decision for me to make, she said that she is only going to let me have one of these babies either one for my mom or one for the family friend. Now what do I do?

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