Sunday, January 19, 2014

My interview with Brenda, The Erotic Lesbian Writer :)

As I said in my last post, I have conducted an interview with Brenda, the writer of many blogs. Brenda, it was very nice to have the opportunity of asking you these questions!
I want to thank you again for all the work you have put in to this for me and I greatly appreciate it.
I would like to say that I have created quite the bond with this woman and we are on the track to being best friends foreverJ. I hope one day I would get the chance to meet her in person! That is if she wanted to of course ;). Ami & I are happy to have met her through blogging.

1.      Now you have mentioned having more than one blog, what are your other blogs about? Three words...Lesbians ...lesbians...lesbians.   My main blog is alesbiankiss2desire and over the years has accumulated a following enough to where I am approaching a million page views.  Along the way I stared some others.  The first one way back when was Lesbian Kiss of the Day.  I am a big OlĂ©’ failure at that one in certainly not posting something every day.  Originally everything I wrote or posted was PG-13...I eventually went to R and then X rated.  The kiss of the day pictures were only sensuous kisses.   Come to think of it, I need to get back to that one :)  Sapphic Sophistication was a place to put things of lesbian interest such as Robin Roberts coming out. The Tasteful Lesbian was to put similar things on, and I have one called Just Us Grrls.  Posting on all of these is sporadic and not enough as I clearly am too busy to keep them updated.  This week I began Rainbow Reviews to fulfill a dream of writing reviews of lesbian sites.  I have tried some movie and TV reviews for some of my sites and have always wanted to do this, so THANK YOU JACKLYN for being my first :)    One other blog I will mention ...but know it is realllllly dirrrrrrty one called "I'm a Lesbian Who Love Free Lesbian Porn."  It's a place I started posting links, images, and reviews of lesbian clips I found and that got me going.  What a woman may find on it is that the clips are specially selected for my taste which is to find the nearly impossible on the internet...girls who don't seem like they are acting for the mostly men  who are watching, but rather, really loving on each other despite the camera crew and director etc.  

2.      How have you achieved to have so much luck with people following your blog? Did they just come on their own or did you reel them in somehow? Originally I did a bunch of promotion by visiting yahoo forums and some sites that promoted blogs of erotic nature.  Soon, those who liked my work began to link to me, and that brought in quite a few, including one called "Online Lesbian Fiction" which brings a steady stream.  I don't do much web promotion anymore, but with the popularity of twitter, sometimes an interesting tweet will lead to an uptick of hundreds of new patrons on my blogs.

3.      Now this one is really personal. How long have you been blogging? Well, it wasn't called blogging when I started writing lesbian erotica.  I was in High School when writing erotica. Seriously.  My first post on A Lesbian Kiss 2 Desire was in April of 2007.  But this was actually my second lesbian erotic writing blog.  The first one had about 20 posts and I got paranoid I was going to be discovered and deleted it, along with I think some pretty good writing I’d like to have back.  The first post was about when I realized I was at the very least bisexual. 

4.      Are you/Have you been a lesbian/bisexual in your own life? Do you wish to be if you aren’t already? Well this is very complicated.  I am very in the closet in a small Bible belt town in Virginia.  Only around 5 close friends or former lovers here know about the blog.  I know some will judge me but I have stayed married while realizing I am a lesbian.  For me and my child it is just the right thing I think for now...probably not forever.  I have what can only be called affairs with women so it is sneaking around and that part is painful and in fact has cost me the one true lesbian love I had because she could not live that way. With the thousands of out and proud lesbians who read my blog and know my story encouraging me to come out, I can only say that my path is a chosen one…I know the detriments and have to live with them.  However as a very very very sexual woman, I feel like I am incapable of living my one life to live without meeting the need for lesbian sexual fulfillment. And that has led to numerous, usually wonderful one night stands.  I explain that I made the jump to believing I was “bisexual” to realizing I am gay and really always have been, and like many who square pegged/round holed a traditional marriage in my life to go along with societal norms, if I had been paying attention, I have been mostly gay since my early teens.  What I thought was dabbling was truly what was in my soul, and sexually at least, I am a million times more comfortable and excited by women. So, even though I am technically bisexual because I still sometimes have sex with my husband, what’s in my heart is all girls.

5.      Blogging would be my life if I had the chance to do it more often, is blogging your life? Well I have a full time job, a part time job, and am a full time mother.  So as much as I wish I could spend more time blogging, it’s not a reality.  But I will tell you it gives me great joy to create an erotic story that is enjoyed by someone and effects someone.  There is nothing more that I want than feedback from my blog.  I have some who are fans and wait for the next story, and I have some who try to help me realize my writing mistakes so I can get to the next level of hopefully being published.  The writing of erotica and communicating lesbian issues, thoughts and idea eases my mind and it is SO satisfying to get something in the process from bottled up in my head and out to the blog and its readers.  Especially if it’s one of my erotica stories which are based on a combination of real experiences and fantasy …some more one than the other.

6.      What did you think about me and my blog when you first read it and talked to me? The first thing was that it was honest with a capital H.  It was a great start as it seemed you had the calling to put some things down and needed the place to put it and that’s what the blog was.  I thought your children are absolutely adorable, and what a cute couple you and Ami make. I liked that you talked about God and was happy you were so beautifully able to articulate how you know you are gay and why you are out. I thought your blog has SO MUCH POTENTIAL for thousands of readers and I am sure you can influence women and affect their emotions with your words.

7.      ALesbianKiss2Desire is a very good blog with great erotic stories… Do you come up with them on your own or do you bring stories from elsewhere together on it? The stories on my blog are my own.  In some instances what I have written, like the story of my first lesbian sexual experience or the day I stayed home from school and masturbated all day long are very real, personal, and truthful.  In others I have taken some experiences and mixed them with fantasy or embellished the real story, and some are pure fantasy.  I always write in first person, but I am told to have a better chance of being published I need to change that. As I mentioned earlier, I started writing erotica almost from the first days of getting a word processing computer…saving my stories on disks and hiding them.  I had very very intense lesbian sexual fantasies in the 6 or so years I realized I WANTED to have sex with a woman, and the time I actually did.  So I wrote about it …brought it to life more than fantasizing.  I also found I could affect women I met on AOL chat rooms …often much older women, and those experiences led to phone sex and once, an offer to fly me to Texas by an apparently wealthy woman in her 30s.   So my mind has always been thinking lesbian erotica, and some of my best ideas for what I have written I come up with simply from driving in the car.

8.      What was the reason behind creating ALesbianKiss2Desire? I couldn’t NOT write it. Pardon the double negative.  I needed to let it go.  Someone I met on a chat room showed me her poetry and erotic writing blog and said it was very very easy to do.  I started and stopped on the first blog I deleted, and then with this one, I had the hammer down so to speak since the start in 2007. For me having to be the lesbian in the closet, the writing was the way for me to be the sexual creature I know I am in my heart, if only sometimes on the page. 

9.      Do you have lesbians contribute to your writing or help you improve the stories? There is one specific woman who has been a kindred spirit and talks out some things with me.  She points me in the direction of sources of lesbian fiction to help me learn my craft.  She has been constructively critical and would always help me if I asked in any way.   It may always be a good thing as a blogger or writer of any kind to get a second opinion.

10.  Last but not least, the “erotic” question of the bunch. Have you had sex with a woman before? If so, how was it? Can you define sex with a woman for a woman who hasn’t experienced it?   I am often asked for lesbian love advice and sex advice from readers of my blog.  It is mentioned many times on the blog, but I am not annoyed if someone just hasn’t found it …but I think that in spite of all the inhibitions placed by society, all women at least think about what it would be like and surmise that they would probably like it if they could get past the barriers.  You don’t need to know how to do anything or be anything to have great lesbian sex …you already have all the tools.  The most that you need is trust of your partner, and a way to break through the fear barrier.  Those things you think …that it’s softer, more sensual, more understanding, more intimate, and more orgasmic …all of those things are possible …but like anything, it’s what you and your partner put into it that will be what you get out of it.  If both are there for each other, (as opposed to being part of a threesome) lesbian sex will never be at all comparable to heterosexual sex.  It is otherworldly. 

I want to give a special thanks to Brenda for being my first blogging buddy and new best friend. She is someone I can really get along with and be able to share my own personal stories with. I think she is a blogging queen.




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